Chicago's weekly event to build, share & learn about civic tech

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7:00pm Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#599 Online: Introducing the Spatial Equity Data Tool and Its New API

The Urban Institute’s Spatial Equity Data Tool (SEDT) enables users to upload their own data and quickly assess whether place-based programs and resources — such as parks, libraries, wi-fi hotspots, or electric vehicle charging stations — are equitably distributed across neighborhoods and demographic groups. Gabe Morrison will introduce the SEDT, its new API, and new analysis features that significantly expand the applications for the SEDT.

Details Livestream @ 7pm Agenda
Online: Introducing the Spatial Equity Data Tool and Its New API

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7:00pm Tuesday, July 23, 2024

#598 Online: The Police Department for Fired Cops

The Illinois Answers Project found that 17% of all police officers hired by the Robbins Police Department since 2000 came on board directly after they were fired from previous law enforcement jobs, the most of any department in Illinois. The investigation includes a database that shows the fired cops and the departments that subsequently hired them.

Online: The Police Department for Fired Cops

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Our COVID-19 Policy

Our COVID-19 Policy

Mar 11, 2024 by CHN Board

At Chi Hack Night we continue to believe in the importance of hosting in-person events particularly in a time where meaningful social life is so vital, but we must work together to do so safely.

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2024 Board Election Results

2024 Board Election Results

Feb 15, 2024 by Elections Committee - Derek Eder, Adam Hecktman, Josh Kalov

On Feb 13th, we held our fifth election for our Board of Directors. We were amazed at the turnout. Of our 28 official Members, 22 attended virtually to cast their votes. Congrats to our elected and appointed Board Members Cameron Sow, Sean Watland, Sneha Jalukar, Michael Chladek, Samantha Goodman, Kyle Dolezal!

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Our 2023 Year in Review

Our 2023 Year in Review

Feb 14, 2024 by Sean Watland, Derek Eder, and Michael Chladek

Ahead of our fifth annual Member Meeting and Board Elections on Feb 7, 2023, we’re publishing our 2023 year in review to share with our Members and our community (that’s you!). We put on 48 Chi Hack Night events, hosted 35 presentations, held our fourth annual board election, remained financially stable, and updated and set new objectives and key results (OKRs) for our organization.

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Join us remotely every Tuesday from 7-10pm on our YouTube livestream and Slack channel to hear from amazing speakers, and learn by doing! Everyone is welcome!

We are a group of thousands of designers, academic researchers, data journalists, activists, policy wonks, web developers and curious citizens who want to make our city more just, equitable, transparent and delightful to live in through data, design and technology. More about us »

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Chi Hack Night is a central hub for Chicago's civic tech community. Here's the three best ways to get involved:

1. Go to Chi Hack Night. We meet every Tuesday at 7pm

2. Subscribe to updates on upcoming speakers and events

3. Browse our weekly breakouts to find your group


Chi Hack Night is a non-profit organization, run by our Board of Directors and supported by our amazing sponsors and donors.