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#602 Online: Locked In, Priced Out: How The Appeal Built the First National Database of Prison Commissary Prices

Online: Locked In, Priced Out: How The Appeal Built the First National Database of Prison Commissary Prices


Ethan Corey, Research & Projects Editor at The Appeal, he/him

Earlier this year, The Appeal published the first-ever national database of prices charged for basic necessities at prison commissaries across the United States. The result of a nearly yearlong effort to compile commissary lists from 46 states, the database sheds light on the prices and steep markups that affect access to numerous food, hygiene, and religious items behind bars.

In this presentation, The Appeal’s research and projects editor, Ethan Corey, will discuss how The Appeal built the database and the challenges the reporting team faced along the way. The presentation will also discuss opportunities for building on the database to hold officials and contractors accountable.