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Logan Square Hack Night

Logan Square Hack Night

Wednesday, November 8th we will convene at Second Shift in Logan Square for the first Chi Hack Night in Logan Square!


We will hear from and interact with two Logan Square civic tech thinkers, doers, and community members. Featuring:

  • Andra Stanciu - A recent transplant to Chicago, Andra is an IT professional who has broad experience creating successful software solutions in multicultural and diverse teams through 10 years of working in the tech industry on 3 continents.

  • Derek Eder - Derek is an entrepreneur, developer and one of the leaders of the civic technology community in Chicago. He is founder and partner at DataMade, a company that tells stories and builds tools with data, and a co-founder and organizer for Chi Hack Night.

Civic Tech 101

Civic Tech 101 will be a short 10 min talk about the basics of civic tech and some examples about how we’ve applied our skills to create impact in our community.

Manatee Tank

Do you have an idea or problem you think technology can help solve? Share your idea with us and we’ll help you think through its feasibility, technical and resource requirements and potential for impact.

Manatee Tank is like the show Shark Tank, but instead of scrutinizing and bidding on your business idea, we’ll be nice and give you constructive and helpful feedback on your idea.

Breakout Groups

People are invited to break off into groups and work on projects, discuss potential ideas, and share their skills. Members of the Chi Hack Night community will be on site to run several of their breakout groups.

Food will be provided.

ASL This event will not have an American Sign Language interpreter.

Agenda and meeting notes
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